Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Procrastination Causes Stress

Going to try and keep this post short and sweet. I have been so busy applying for school, looking for a new job, and a new place to live that I can hardly concentrate on anything else. It is my fault though for procrastinating up until very recently.

School, if I get accepted, begins Oct. 25th. Although I am nervous and slightly stressed, I am extremely excited and cannot wait to begin. This is going to be one of my biggest tests in life. I will finally be living on my own, and taking care of myself and my future. No relying on anyone else, no taking care of anyone else, just me myself and I. I should probably be scared right now, but honestly I cannot wait! So wish me luck everyone!

Also, check out some of the new colors I have in my Etsy Store

I know, I really need a new camera. 
This silly little Point-N-Shoot is really starting to get on my nerves.
All my photos seem to be grainy and somewhat dark.
I should not have to edit every single photo that I take, they should just automatically be perfect, right?
Makes me feel like a bad photographer, not that I had any formal training (or any training at all for that matter ha), but I know I'm not THAT bad....


  1. I really like those bracelets!!

    When I do a giveaway, I put all of the entries in an excel spreadsheet and I put the numbers in myself. I do the first one as 0. The next cell I do = (cell above) + 1. I then click and drag that formula all the way down and it makes the numbers. I then put everyone entries in next to them :-)

  2. Nice bracelets! :-)

    What kind of camera are you thinking of getting? I am considering a new camera for my blog posts.

  3. I'd love to get a Canon camera, but I would have to do some research and save up for a really good one.

  4. Canon makes good cameras. I have used a Canon DSLR before, and I am using a Canon point and shoot at the moment.

    I thought I wanted the Olympus PEN, and I went to a camera shop and the salesman was really pushing the Sony NEX-3. The NEX looks like it has some great features, but the RAW format only works with their SONY software! I wanted to use Photoshop or Lightroom. Also it looks like a lot of their software stuff only works on PC :-( I love my little Mac & would never give it up for a PC!

    Sorry for the novel! LOL

  5. Hehe not a novel at all, you are very helpful and I appreciate it! Yea, I prefer Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro and surprisingly Gimp has been pretty good lately especially for being a completely free program.

    Sounds like I have a lot of camera research ahead of me, I really want something affordable with decent quality, a macro option and good depth of field. I love those photos that are bright and full of color and focus on the object or model and softly blur the background they look amazing!

    How's that for a novel? ha

    Anyway, thank you for your input ^_^


  6. School, if I get accepted, begins Oct. 25th. Although I am nervous and slightly stressed, I am extremely excited and cannot wait to begin.

    >> good luck! :)

