Friday, March 23, 2012

I realized that there aren't many people who know me, Allyson Michelle, aside from being owner and creator of Knotty NY Friendship Bracelets and Accessories. I am 24 years old living in New York City. I work part time as a voice-over artist (, an in-home caregiver and a full time Auntie to 3 beautiful little girls. Here are some more things you may not know about me:

1. I have an unhealthy obsession with Cereal

2. I like to play guitar and sing karaoke:
Fergie - Clumsy (Cover) by Allyson Michelle

Lana Del Rey - Video Games (Cover) by Allyson Michelle

3. I am way more antisocial in person than I am online.

4. I am kind of a hoarder....
I keep thinking that one day I will be able to make use of all my junk.

(not actually my things)

So there you have it! I hope this bring a more personable feel to this blog. I'm not ALL work and no play, y'know. Happy Friday all!

Allyson Michelle

Monday, March 19, 2012

GIVEAWAY: Win a custom bracelet & supplies

Hey hey all, it's that time again!

KnottyNY and OMFGFRIENDSHIPBRACELETS are teaming up to provide you with some awesome prizes! 

As a thank you to all of our recent and past followers, we would like to offer  a chance to win some free gifts to all who enter. This giveaway is hosted by, a new and easy way to start a raffle/giveaway of your own! Winner(s) will receive their choice of any 1 item from my shop and 10 skeins of DMC Embroidery Floss in ANY colors! So what are you waiting for?? The contest ends in 2 weeks!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Monday, March 12, 2012

It's been a long Hiatus

It's been almost 2 years since I last posted on this blog. For that I apologize. It is somewhat difficult to juggle being a full time student, employee and auntie of 3. But I am back, and better than ever! So to make this an official announcement, here is a lil sneak peek at what you can soon find on the Knotty NY Etsy Shop:

Would love to experience this one day